We understand that a dental emergency can occur at any time, and we never want our patients to go without needed care. For that reason, we offer emergency dental appointments in our Budgewoi dental clinic.
Contact Budgewoi Dental in an Emergency
At Budgewoi Dental, we don’t want you to delay treatment during an emergency, which is why we’ve implemented procedures that allow us to book you into our dental clinic quickly for an emergency visit.
If you’re experiencing an emergency dental situation, like a broken tooth, a severe toothache, gum pain or a loss of a filling or dental crown, we recommend that you call us straight away. Our knowledgeable team can book your emergency appointment and offer advice immediately, guiding you on how to deal with your emergency until you reach our clinic.
If you’re not experiencing one of the emergency scenarios we mentioned, that doesn’t mean it’s not an emergency. Dental emergencies can vary widely and include other situations, like tooth infections and injuries. If you suspect it’s an emergency, we recommend that you call us.
Emergency Dental Treatment in Budgewoi
When you arrive at our Budgewoi dental clinic, our experienced and empathetic team, led by dentists Dr Sanjeev Mishra and Dr Hooman Atai, will assess your emergency and work quickly to make you comfortable. We know emergencies can be frightening, but we’re here to help, and we will do our best to relieve any fear or anxiety as we work to remedy your situation.
We invite you to contact us during your dental emergency for fast, efficient care and treatment.